Tuesday, September 2, 2008

like lon chaney jr., but without the special shoes

originally posted April 30, 2007

So I was sitting here making a mental list of people Who I'd Like to Meet, and I remembered that I'd already met one of the people on my list. Thus was born the very short list of people Who I'd Like to Re-Meet, which I submit here for posterity. I vow to re-read this again and again. Learn from this, dammit. LEARN!:

1) David Cross

It happened like this. Dr. Brain Scientist and I went to see DC with friends H and H, and it was after the show. Dr. BS and I were standing around outside at the side of the building waiting for H and H, who were off getting Brian Posehn's signature on a body part or something. So there we stood, all alone, leaning against a railing, when who should approach but DAVID CROSS? Yes. He was going to pass us on his way to go stand in a box and sign things. Not only was he going to be going past us, but he was going to potentially be squeezing awkwardly past us, as we were actually standing on a ramp thingy and I was bulky with a womb full of BS Jr. We were going to interact with him. It was going to be awesome.

So what happened? When DC smiled and was all bashful and charming and made his move to reposition his body so as to avoid my girth as he passed us, Dr. BS said something really clever about us enjoying the show, like "We really liked the show." And me? I said nothing. I didn't even attempt to agree with BS. Nope. Instead, I stood and stared at DC and rubbed my belly.

I waved at him with a hand that was clutching a wadded up kleenex.

I smiled in a panicked, confused way.

I wore overalls.

I was a giant man-child. Hello David Cross, I'm Lennie. Pardon me while I cover my face with my huge paws and bleat with terror.

There was more to the interaction between BS and DC, but I was not an active participant in any of it, unless you consider nervously wiping spittle from the corners of one's mouth active participation.

Bah. I want a do-over.

Learn from this.


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