Thursday, October 16, 2008

come on y'all, it's time to get nice

The other day I was in the car with my daughter, and I turned off Centerfold by the J. Geils Band. No, I did not turn it off because it sucks, which might be the motivation of an individual with a more discriminating ear than my own. Rather, I found myself changing stations because I deemed the lyrics to be TOO RISQUE for my eleven-year-old passenger. Suddenly I am Tipper Gore? But wait! There’s more! Rather than sullying our ears (and souls!) with the filth that is Centerfold, we instead opted for the genteel stylings of the Beastie Boys in the form of Brass Monkey, which we listened to in its entirety. Yes! How’s that for judgment? My blood runs cold.


KRD said...

"Centerfold" was one of my favorite songs when I was like, six, or something. And look how great I turned out.

And that story about the slumber party is HILARIOUS. But clearly I need to go next year, because those children need some song-writing help.

We were pretty good at that as I remember: "Leah, eatin' that kosher. Offer her pig and she'll say, 'no sir.'" That's a dope rhyme.

alicia policia said...

I remember loving the song Brass Monkey when I was little. I had no idea what it was about, of course, since I was like, 5 or 6. I thought it was about a monkey who liked to dance and drink! How much more fun could it be?

I also distinctly remember singing along to 'Like a Virgin' around the same time, and having no clue what that meant either. : )

An 11 year old might catch on than better than a 5 year old, though...

Anonymous said...

I found your pants story on and I am a new fan! You are hysterical and have crafted my new motto for life.

In relaiton to THIS post, I will tell you that in a fit of parental genius, I let my son listen to "booty call" when he was 4 and now, it is on his list of favorites.

About 2 years ago, my partner was working in KY and she found a cd of the song, and told the boy that when she came home, she would have a surprise for him. He was so excited and, being a smart little cuss, he asked her in all sincerity "are you bringing me a booty call???"

Can't wait to hear THAT story back at me on parent teacher night....

Anyway, you have a new fan! Hooray Pants!